Food Vendor Guidelines

On the First Friday of every month, downtown Goshen hosts special events with extended hours, entertainment, and shopping specials. Each month features a special theme. Street food is a critical part of these events. We welcome professional Food Vendors, Food Trucks, and Not-for-Profit organizations to apply to sell food at First Fridays.

Sell Food at Goshen First Fridays

Please review the guidelines below before applying to participate.

  • Application. All food vendors must apply for approval. The deadline to apply is March 22nd, 2024.
  • Approval. All vendors will be notified of their approval or denial by March 29th, 2024. Please note that you may not be approved for all of your desired dates. Preference will be given to Downtown Goshen Inc. members.
  • Payment. Each vendor will be invoiced for all dates that they are approved and selected. These invoices must be paid in full before they can participate in the event.
  • Insurance. You must carry liability insurance. Before you can be approved, you will need to provide us with a Certificate of Liability insurance naming Downtown Goshen Inc. as the additional insured on your policy. These will need to be attached to your application or you will not be approved.
  • Hold Harmless. You must Digitally Sign the Hold Harmless Agreement as part of your application.
  • Health Department. For-Profit vendors must have approval from Elkhart County Health Department to participate. Any for-profit vendor that is not licensed in Elkhart County will be subject to an inspection on the day of the event. Vendors not licensed to operate in Elkhart County must submit a temporary food vendor permit to the Elkhart County Health Department no less than 30 days before each event that they are selected for.


Food Vendor Fees

First Fridays will feature a limited number of food vendors at our events from April – December 2024. Pending approval, vendor fees are priced per event. All fees must be paid prior to the event. We will no longer accept checks on the day of the event, with the exception of those who do not have access to the internet.

Food Trucks & Tent Vendors

  • Not-for-profit: $55 per event day
  • For-profit: $225 per event day


Refund Policy

First Fridays events are rain or shine events. We will not issue refunds for weather cancellations.

Food Vendors may submit a request for a refund (minus an admin fee) if they submit a cancellation notification via email at least 30 days before the event. We will not issue refunds for cancellations less than 30 days before the event.

Event Schedule

  • 2 p.m.
    Food trucks may begin arriving
  • 3:30 p.m.
    Health department inspections begin
  • 9 p.m.
    Tear-down begins
  • 10 p.m.
    Streets and sidewalks must be cleared no later than 10 p.m., or you will be subject to a fee


Elkhart County Health Department Requirements

For-profit vendors MUST contact the Health Department at least 30 days in advance to give notice of intent to operate and to schedule an inspection time. Not-for-profit vendors MUST contact the Health Department at least 15 days before the event. Vendors can view requirements for temporary food guidelines at the Elkhart County Health Department web site. Facilities must be able to pass inspection in order to receive a temporary food service license.

Location / Equipment

DGI provides vendors with a designated 20’ x 20’ space. Vendors must provide and set up their equipment (tent, tables, chairs, etc). Food vendors using grills must provide a means for smoke abatement and an appropriate fire extinguisher.

Electrical Access

DGI does not provide on-site electrical access. Vendors must provide their own generators. Generators must be safe and in good working order. Loud generators are not permitted. If your generator is too loud, we will ask you to bring a different generator for the next event.

Non-Compete Policy

DGI will not approve applications for food vendors who compete directly with downtown restaurants.


Vendors must secure all tents with weights – stakes are strictly prohibited.

Garbage In – Garbage Out

All materials brought with the vendor and all recycling/trash collected during the night must be removed by 10 p.m. Vendors may not leave trash bags at their vendor location nor pour any waste materials in the lawn or street drain. Trash or recycling left at the vendor’s site will be removed at the vendor’s expense. Wastewater, such as water used for washing dishes or from washing hands, must be disposed of in an approved sewer or at a wastewater dumping station. Wastewater may not be dumped on the ground or poured down a stormwater drain.


Vendors must seek prior approval from the Event Coordinator if they want to play music at their location.

Liability Certificate

Food Vendors must have all proper documentation/permits necessary to sell food to the public, including a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming Downtown Goshen Inc. as the Insured. You will be asked to upload a pdf or image of the completed certificate on the application form.


DGI has the right to revoke vending privileges and/or remove a Vendor from the site without a refund if the Vendor does not follow the guidelines.


Contact us via email or phone (574) 203-2034 with any questions.

Downtown Goshen, Inc. Sponsors

Indiana Main Street Logo (OCRA Blue)

Downtown Goshen Inc. is recognized as an Indiana Main Street community.